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Napoleon Bonaparte

  Napoleon Bonaparte Napoleon, otherwise known as his official military name Napoleon I, was a French military commander and political leader who rose in rank during the French Revolution and led successful movements during the Revolutionary Wars. Napoleon was born on August 15th, 1769, and died on May 5th, 1821. He was the in-practice leader of the French Republic as First Consul (similar to a diplomat) from 1799 to 1804, then Emperor of France from 1804 until 1814 and again in 1815. Napoleon was born on an island that was previously annexed by France, which was called Corsica. He was born to a native family, and had minor Italian royalty in his blood. He supported the French Revolution in 1789 while serving in the French army, and tried to convince his home island that it was good.   His rank rose rapidly in the Army after he saved the governing French Directory by defending them against attacking royalist insurgents.  In 1796, he led a military campaign against the Austrians and the