The Crusades
The Crusades The Crusades were several closely tied wars that were commenced, supported, and even sometimes participated and directed by the Latin Church during the medieval times. The best known Crusades nowadays happened between 1095 and 1291 CE. They were trying to reclaim the Holy Land, or Constantinople and Jerusalem and the surrounding areas from its Arabian Islamic capturers, who also considered it to be their holy land. This event led to the First Crusade, in which the Holy Roman Empire fought and recovered the Holy Land, and soon after, dozens of Crusades were fought, which acted as one of the biggest centers of attention for multiple centuries in Europe. In 1095, Pope Urban the 2nd announced the First Crusade at the Council of Clermont, a gathering held by the former. He encouraged and showed military support for the Byzantine Empire and its emperor Alexios the 1st against the Seljuk Turks. They later declared for an armed pilgrimage to the Holy Land against the Islamic...